Motility and Gastrointestinal Physiology
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Motility and gastrointestinal physiology
In our institution we carry out ambulatory diagnostic procedures that evaluate the esophagus and the anorectal canal.
We also check for the Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Among these procedures are the following:
Motility studies
Thigh Resolution Esophageal Manometry is an outpatient procedure indicated to evaluate motor disorders of the esophagus, (which is the tube that carries food to the stomach); it covers from the moment of swallowing, the entire esophagus, until it reaches the stomach. It consists of passing a probe with sensors from the nose to the stomach, and captures of 10 swallows (drinks) are made, for later analysis.
The procedure takes between 15 to 20 minutes, depending on patient tolerance. We perform the procedure to the rhythm of the patient, with love and patience so that at all times you feel comfortable. Once the procedure is finished, an analysis is done to determine a final result.
It is indicated for patients who present with dysphagia for solids and / or liquids, pre-surgical evaluation of Antireflux surgery, study of Achalasia, chest pain, and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
How do I prepare?
For the High Resolution Esophageal Manometry, only 6 hours of fasting is required. If you are taking opioid medications, (such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, morphine, among others), please inform for the correct performance of the procedure.
If you have questions or concerns about it, let us guide and accompany you.
High Resolution Esophageal Manometry
The high resolution esophageal manometry, is an ambulatory procedure that evaluates motor malfunctions in the esophagus (the tube that transports food to the stomach), it covers from the moment of swallowing, form the esophagus to the stomach. It consists in passing a probe with sensors form the nose to the stomach, and 10 captures of the swallowing are taken for further analysis.
The procedure takes between 15 and 20 minutes, depending on the patient’s tolerance. We proceed at the patient’s rhythm, with kindness and patience to ensure comfort. Once the procedure is finished, an editing and analysis is done to determine a final result.
Aimed for patients with solid and liquid dysphagia, pre-surgery evaluation of ant refluxes surgey, acahalasia study, thoracic pain and Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
How do I get ready?
For the high resolution esophageal manometry a 6 hour fast is required. If you are taking opioids (hydrocodone, oxycodone, morphine, among others) please inform us.
If you have any questions, we will guide you.
High Resolution Anorectal Manometry
The high resolution anorectal manometry is an ambulatory procedure that evaluates the sphincter of the anal canal; measuring the pressure in the anal sphincter’s muscles, evaluates neuronal reflexes, and the overall feeling in the rectum, among others.
The procedure takes between 20 and 30 minutes, it’s not painfull, no sedation is required, and the patient needs to follow the indications provided by the professional, during the capture of information. Once the procedure is finished, an editing and analysis is done to determine a final result.
How do I get ready?
For the high resolution anorectal manometry, only two rectal enemas are required (depends on the hour of the procedure). This procedure doesn’t require fasting.
If you have any questions, we will guide you.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Monitoring Studies
24 hour ph-testing
The 24 ph-testing is an ambulatory procedure that determines the amount of acid that goes from the stomach up to the esophagus, damaging the mucous. The procedure lasts 24 hours, it’s not painful and it requires no sedation since the patient will be conducting his/hers regular activities. A journal will be appointed, so the patient can register activities and symptoms during the procedure. This will be explained with detail by the professional. The following day the equipment and catheter will be removed, an editing and analysis is done to determine a final result.
How do I get ready?
For the 24 hour oh-testing an 8 hour fast is required, and the suspension of proton pump inhibitors , PBIs (Omeprazole, Esomeprazole, Lanzoprazole, etc.) 8 days before the procedure, to guarantee the procedure’s quality and validity.
If you have any questions, we will guide you.
Ph-testing With 24 Hour Impedance Measurement
The Ph-testing with 24 hour impedance measurement, is an ambulatory procedure that determines the amount of acid that goes from the stomach up to the esophagus, damaging the mucous. The procedure lasts 24 hours, it’s not painful and it requires no sedation since the patient will be conducting his/hers regular activities. It consists in passing a probe with sensors form the nose to the stomach, and this left attached to a small device called recorder, that captures all the information.
A journal will be appointed, so the patient can register activities and symptoms during the procedure. This will be explained with detail by the professional. The following day the equipment and catheter will be removed, an editing and analysis is done to determine a final result.
This procedure can be done with the use or non use of proton pump inhibitors , PBIs (Omeprazole, Esomeprazole, Lanzoprazole, etc.). It will all depend on the exam and the doctor’s evaluation.
How do I get ready?
For the Ph-testing with 24 hour impedance measurement, n 8 hour fast is required and you should confirm with your doctor if you must or must not suspend the use of proton pump inhibitors , PBIs (Omeprazole, Esomeprazole, Lanzoprazole, etc.) 8 days before the procedure, to guarantee the procedure’s quality and validity.
Our Specialists
Dra. Patricia Álvarez
Gastroenterologist - Scientific Director
Dra. Andrea Piña
Boss Angela Guío
Clinical Coordinator
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57 1 3907147 / 3503189966
Bogotá Colombia
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Monday to Friday from 6:00 am – 7:00 pm Saturdays from 6:30 am – 1:00 pm
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Diagnósticos Oportunos
Acompañamiento integral
Atenciones seguras
Servicio de Alta Calidad
Servicio de Alta Calidad
La gastroenterología es la especialidad médica que se ocupa de estudiar, diagnosticar y tratar enfermedades del aparato digestivo y órganos asociados. En la consulta médica, se realiza una valoración completa de antecedentes personales y familiares, análisis de una historia previa o registros de resultados que tenga el paciente, y de acuerdo al cuadro clínico, se toman decisiones diagnósticas con el fin de complementar el estudio del paciente y llegar así a un diagnóstico oportuno, verídico y con el manejo adecuado para ello. Los órganos que evalúa un gastroenterólogo incluyen: Esófago y Estómago, Hígado, Vías biliares y Páncreas, Intestino delgado, Intestino grueso (colon), Recto.
Es de suma importancia que se realice un diagnóstico certero y oportuno, con el fin de poder manejar la afección identificada de manera efectiva e integral. Nuestro equipo humano está conformado por especialistas con amplia experiencia y trayectoria a nivel nacional e internacional.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Monitoring Studies
Innovative Tech
Certified Experts
Servicios de consultas especializadas
¿Por qué La Carolina Medical IPS?
Nuestro equipo humano está permanentemente actualizado y la atención que brindamos es totalmente personalizada y con calidad humana.
Contamos con amplias y cómodas instalaciones dotadas de la última tecnología.
Tenemos un enfoque médico preventivo durante nuestra atención en salud.
Realizamos diferentes actividades académicas para colegas y para pacientes y sus familias.